Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

In the adult world, Halloween has become a holiday of revealing costumes and crazy parties, where women usually go as the "sexy version" of an otherwise scary creature, cute animal or occupation.  Sexy nurses, cats, witches, even zombies roam the night, and while in previous years I've never really fully embraced the "sexy version" culture, you'd be hard-pressed to find any costume in a store that doesn't.  One walk through Party City and I realized this year would be a great one to go home-made, and even embrace the complete opposite.  So I transformed into the least sexy and "the most harmless thing.  Something that could never ever possibly destroy us."  Mr. Stay Puft.
Drew went along as a Ghostbuster and the costumes went over very well!  We even carved the Ghostbusters logo into our pumpkin.  I had looked through a few maternity-inspired costumes online (bun in the oven, zombie babies, skeleton t-shirts complete with a skeleton of the fetus.) I wanted something that showcased the baby bump without creeping me out, so when Drew suggested a Ghostbuster and the marshmallow man as a joke, it quickly became a reality! We got a lot of compliments at his co-worker's party from the sexy witches.  

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