Friday, November 8, 2013

The Vanishing Lap

I feel I have finally come to terms with my changing body shape and am learning to take all that comes with it in stride... even the increasing difficulty of simple tasks like putting on socks and shoes, which now requires some sort of stabilization crutch like a nearby dresser, chair, or husband.

Our dog Max, however, is still adjusting.  His favorite resting place is slowly shrinking.  

He's learned that he can no longer bound across the room and onto my lap or jump up and push me with his paws as soon as I walk in the door, which were probably good habits to break anyway, but now as soon as the poor guy finds a comfortable position to nap that also accommodates baby's space, he has to reevaluate a week or so later as I continue growing. Or should I say, as the baby continues growing.

If Max does encroach a little too closely, baby responds with a swift kick.  Not even out of the womb and he's already defending his space.  Of course, this battle for my lap has resulted in a few new napping positions you see below:

And, my personal favorite, the "Forget it, I'll sit with dad."

1 comment:

  1. I love the "seriously, mom, WTF?" look in the chin-rest photo.
