Sunday, November 24, 2013

Photo Shoot

Engagements and weddings are the kinds of moments you want to capture and hold on to forever, but more recently, the adventure of pregnancy has become a popular moment on that list as well, with countless couples opting for professional photo shoots to immortalize their baby while it's still easy to get it to pose for a camera.

I'm not going to lie, I think most maternity photos are weird.  When I think about them, images like this one come to mind:

No offense to this lovely couple or to anyone who chooses to do them, I'm sure you all look fabulous, but there's something about taking photos with my husband as we stare wistfully at my stomach that just seems a bit forced. Maybe it's because I'm used to a person's face being the focal point of photos.  Maybe it's because it's just not completely our style. Maybe it's because on my wedding day I felt so beautiful I wanted visual proof of it for the future, and right now not so much. 

Well, we did it anyway.

After looking at photo shoots on facebook and Pinterest (the most lethal of creative inspiration) Drew and I decided we should give it a try. How often do you get the opportunity? I did insist that we spend no money or extra effort, in the event that they turned out to be worthy of Here's a sample of the final product, shot by Drew's tripod at a park down the street: