Sunday, December 1, 2013

Guilt-free Thanksgiving

It's always been one of my favorite holidays, but this year I had the rare opportunity to enjoy Thanksgiving in a way I never had before-- wearing maternity pants.

In what has become perhaps the most well-timed pregnancy in history, this year's holiday season coincides with my third trimester.  Bring on the turkey, the stuffing, the Christmas cookies, and the cocoa.  I'm actually supposed to be gaining a pound a week.  Don't worry, I'll throw some veggies into the mix, but can I really be blamed if our little boy ends up with one big sweet tooth?  

Another benefit of being pregnant during the holidays- I get to make the "I think I ate too much" joke at least once every family gathering.  Overall, it's a great time of year to be "eating for two."  I'm not sure if I'll ever get to experience it like this again. I'm certainly going to enjoy it while I can.

And, I might have to make a tradition out of the maternity pants.

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