Friday, December 13, 2013

Heartburn and a Head of Hair

I officially have 8 months of pregnancy under my very tight belt, and so far I think I've been very lucky with regard to symptoms.  The level of discomfort since my first trimester has been minimal, minus one thing:  heartburn.

I'd never had heartburn before pregnancy, but now it is non-stop.  Every moment I'm not eating, my throat is burning, regardless of what I eat or drink.  Finally this week, I decided to try something to make it stop.
A member of our parenting class mentioned her friend had tried a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and that did the trick.  So when I saw a bottle of apple cider vinegar in the grocery store a few days later, I bought it.  How bad could it be?  Vinegar's not terrible and I love apple cider.  Without any research, second opinion or second thought, I poured the vinegar into a teaspoon and swallowed.  

What I felt during the next 15 seconds is nearly indescribable.  I'm pretty sure what I really drank was a mislabeled bottle of gasoline or molten lava because my stomach caught on fire immediately.  My eyes watered as I yelled to Drew, "This was a mistake!" and ran to the bathroom.  Technically, I guess it worked because I wasn't bothered so much by the heartburn anymore.  I later researched the home remedy and it turns out, you're supposed to dilute the vinegar.  Lesson learned.

When it comes to pregnancy, there seems to be an old wives tale about everything,  so of course having heartburn has significant meaning.  People say that it means your baby will have a full head of hair! This common assumption may actually have more meaning than others, after a few studies have proven strong correlations.

The good news- my baby will probably be born with a thick head of dark-brown hair.

The bad news- it might stick straight up.  Like mine did:

We're going to need plenty of hats.


  1. haha what a cute pic! A LOT of moms think this correlation is true. Apple Cider Vinegar is terrible & at first the smell made me want to vomit & although I still dislike it, it's freaking amazing. If you ever get a chance to check out the book by Bragg's on ACV, it's a good pamphlet style read. ACV practically cures all. Put a tablespoon or two in a cup with another couple tablespoons of water & then drink next time. I don't like too much water because I want to get over with the experience but I like to have water ready to drink immediately after the diluted ACV shot. I also found eating a tortilla chip afterwards cuts the taste in your mouth really well so I think it's the salt. Make sure it's GMO-free though because almost all corn is GMO unless otherwise labeled or organic of course & you don't want your baby eating that stuff! Good luck with the heartburn! I've never had it either but I probably will get it if the baby hair theory is true because Ian & I both have LOTS of dark brown hair. At least your baby will be warmer w. it's head o' hair! :P
